The post below reminds me of a friend that loves wearing shades all through the year and she doesn't look like some poser because every shade has it's purpose. Personally for me shades belong in the spring/summer months; but celebs wear them throughout the year and look good doing it. I feel like sunglasses have evolved from the square pairs in the matrix to basically ANYONE doing their own. You can now go to most high street shops and find a copy of the "ones from Prada" for £30 and above instead of £500+. Bargain right?..Why do I want to spend £500 on shades ..*goes into rant* will the shades get rid of wrinkles? Will they turn my eyes a different colour every time I wear them? Will I get gold under my pillow? I have nothing against people that love to spend their money on good things, but my thing is that good things don't always have to break the bank. My family are the complete opposite of me; they see more value in things that are more expensive because they believe that the quality of the goods is higher than if they were to buy it somewhere else for a fraction of the price. My mum calls it and investment buying a £1000 leather bag, but what is the problem buying a £90 leather bag..are they both not leather? It all comes down to paying for the label and it is not worth it to me.
For me, the item I would spend the most money on is probably shoes and technology, because they have the most use for me..after all I need to walk around. At the end of the day what is OK for me might not be OK for you.
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